Aged, yellowed paper with 3 fonts printed in black, and enclosed in a cardstock enclosure with Lyllyan Oetta Snyder on outside cover. The paper originally had the dates May 21 and 22, but were inked out on another paper to change to May 25 and 26, 1920.
Yellowed, manila card with 5 black fonts and black ink writing . Parent's signature and teachers are Ruby J. Reay and R. B. Reed. Grade card for Oetta Snyder in Sophomore year.
Yellowed, manila card with 5 different black fonts and black ink writing. Parent's signature and teacher is R. B. Reed. Oetta Snyder Certificate of Promotion from freshman to sophomore in Sciotoville.
Yellowed, manila card with 5 black fonts and black ink writing. Oetta Snyder, 8th grade, Sciotoville 1915-1916. Grades listed, parent's signature with Certificate of Promotion to High School. Teacher: Laura Brant.
Aged, yellowed paper program with black print and 3 fonts. Small tear on front. On inside: Class play and characters, program including music information. On back: class roll for 1920 Sciotoville.
Manila colored card with black print in 3 fonts, and black ink name and signatures. Card distributed by the U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Employment Service. Provides the signature, address , and vitals for Harold G. Walbright.
Aged, yellowed paper certificate to promote Oetta Snyder from elementary to high school in Sciotoville in 1916. Black print in 3 fonts, typewritten and stamped signatures.
Paper has creases and some tears with small pieces missing.
aged, yellowed, cardstock-like paper with black print. Presented by the Boy's and Girl's Glee Clubs of Sciotoville High School. Booklet is 5 pages plus front, with ads, cast, chorus and Acts. Jane Walbright is listed
Aged, black loose scrapbook page with tabs, notation for identification and two photos. Jane Walbright and Willard Grizzell, Sciotoville- Portsmouth East School 1941 (other photos undocumented)
Black and white photocopy of "Those Were the Days" featuring the 1918-1919 Sciotoville Basketball team. Names listed (l to r) front: Lewis Kent, forward; Ralph Hansgen, captain/center; Paul Stedman, forward, and Howard Hansgen, guard. Back row: T. W. Tech Smith, coach; Raymond Courtney, guard; Harold Walbright, guard; Bruce Powell, guard and A. R. Miller, coach.