Aged, yellowed paper with 3 fonts printed in black, and enclosed in a cardstock enclosure with Lyllyan Oetta Snyder on outside cover. The paper originally had the dates May 21 and 22, but were inked out on another paper to change to May 25 and 26, 1920.
Sepia -tone photo image of the Sciotoville High School Baseball team. Names listed left to right as: Red Fugitt, Rooster Smith, Lou Kent, Chick Schuler, Dick Artis, Dell Scott, H Wasbright, R Hansgen, Tick Artis, George Evans, Dola Conley. (1922) Damage in both lower corners.
Off-white, aged paper diploma with black illustration and print, blue wash background, 1920 class seal, and signatures of school officials. Diploma for Lyllyan Oretta Snyder, Sciotoville High School, May 28, 1920