Black & white self-addressed postage-paid card to acknowledge receipt of the Report of the 37th Reunion of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee in 1908
Black and white self-addressed postage-paid card to acknowledge receipt of the Report of the 38th Reunion of the Society of the Army of Tennessee in 1909
Sepia photo of the Opera House with several people on sidewalks. This photo shows part of the Wilhelm Opera House built by John Wilhelm and opened in 1870 at the corner of Fourth (4th) and Court Streets. It closed in 1899 and was later made into apartments known as the Wilhelmette Flats.
Sepia image of a man riding on top of two giant ears of corn on a wagon pulled by a horse at the Korn Karnival in Portsmouth. The Korn Karnival was held each fall from 1913 to 1917 when it was suspended due to World Was I.
Colored image of the Grand Opera House at the north east corner of Chillicothe and Fourth (4th) Streets. It was built in 1895 and damaged by fire in 1914, but was rebuilt and known for many years as the Kresge Store.
Colored photo of the C & O Railway Bridge over the Ohio River at Sciotoville. Completed in 1917, the C & O bridge is the longest continuous truss bridge ever built. It spans 1,600 feet between the Ohio and Kentucky shores.
Black & white image of the Tacoma steamboat, built in 1883 at New Richmond, Ohio. She ran the Cincinnati-Pomeroy-Charleston trades. She burned in 1922 at Cincinnati along with three other steamboats.