Black and white photo negative of the E.E. Euton Wall and Floor Covering Company located at 222 Chillicothe Street. The wall and floor covering business started in 1955. They had been at 1501 and 1504 Gallia Street, before moving to 1518 Gallia Street in 1956. They purchased the old Hotel Hurth property in 1974, and moved to 222 Chillicothe Street later that year. Since 1982, the property was purchased and used as senior citizen apartments. Between then, E.E. Euton moved to 1502 Fourth (4th) Street, and seemingly went out of business.
Black and white photo negative of the BancOhio, National Bank of Portsmouth building. It was located at 428 Chillicothe, on the corner of Gallia. It is where present day PNC Bank currently sits.
Black and white photo negative of Sixth (6th) Street, looking towards Chillicothe Street. Household Finance is seen in the background, which was located at 601 Chillicothe Street.
Black and white photo negative of a group of people in boats during a flood in 1907, on the corner of Gallia and Chillicothe Streets. Also known as Carr Corner, because J.F. Carr Jewelers, seen in the photo, sat on the corner located at 813 Gallia Street.
Black and white photo negative of a group of men in front of the old Senate Saloon, located on the 400 block of Chillicothe Street. Only one man is identified, fifth from left, Oscar Boyer.