Portsmouth Times clipping of Sciotoville football team members: (Front L-R) Homer Phillips, Clarence Evans, Scratch Burns, Lyle Rowe, Charles Martin, Earl Werline, Paul Cook, Allen Duffy and Wayne Ketter. (Middle L-R) Lou Chaboudy, Jiggs Arthur, Ott Skaggs, Everett Cottle, John Phillips, William Montgomery, Captain Walter Mucha, Ralph Schwamberger, Francis Lugar, Gene Nourse, Raymond Russ, Lloyd Martin, assistant coach (Back L-R) Manager Charles Newman, Bob Adams, Marion Bennett, Argus Oakley, Chuck Abbott, E. Whitely, Paul Martin, Jim McNelly, Jim McCarty, John Clay Smith, Howard Nourse and John Moore, coach.
McKinley School-Students of the 7th grade class. Written on back:
7th Grade- 1935
Teacher- Alberta Yeager
Front Row: Philip Spence, James Morris, Oron Gleim, James Knost, Carlton Compher, James Harsha, Scott Bauldin, Lawell Fisher.
Second Row: Melvin Daerr, Bob Tucker, Felice Shapiro, Betty Gyor, Jean Cunningham, Marie Shackleford, Low Chapman, George Wiltsee, Paul Gilmer, Ralph, Brant Appel, Merle Roberts.
Third Row: Dick Kemp, Sara Spriggs, Helen Holmes, Frances Ferguson, Delores Glickman, Anna Marie, Mary F. Pratt, Jo Rickey, Phyllis Dreer, Bob Nelson.
Fourth Row: Audrey McCleere, Jean Flood, Joan Quinn, Doris Cole, Raymond Voeirs, Eugene Jordan, Miriam Reno, Goldie Combs, Elizabeth Smith Janet Revare, Bessie Marton.
McKinley School-Students of the 8th grade class. Written on back:
8th Grade-1936
Teacher- Eliza. Rockwell
Front Row: Bob Tucker, Oron Gleim, Brant Appel, Lawell Fisher, Ralph Swearngin, Raymond Voeirs, James Morris, Jim Harsha.
2nd Row: Phyllis Dreer, Miriam Reno, Jo Rickey, Felice Shapiro, Mary F. Pratt, Merle Roberts, Ruth Segur, Elizabeth Smith, Dolres Glickman, Frances Ferguson, Marie Shackleford.
3rd Row: Jean Cunningham, Betty Gyor
3rd Row (cont'd): Helen Holmes, Goldie Combs, Anna Marie, Janet Revare, Clara Elkins, Carlton Compher, Philip Spence, Joseph Reese.
Fourth Row: George Wiltsee, Scott Bouldin, Paul Gilmer, Low Chapman, Elizabeth Rockwell, Melvin Daerr, Melvin Lycan, Aubrey McCleere, Bessie Melton, Doris Cole, Dick Kemp.