Eight small color photo images of Portsmouth area; Raven Rock, Canal, Union Mills, Lover's Lane, Government Building, Millbrook Station, Casino, and Tracy Park. Correspondence on back.
Colored image of canal, towpath, bridge, and mill in West Portsmouth. The grist mill was built by Lemuel Moss in 1834. David Gibson built a distillery nearby in 1857. George Davis bought and operated both businesses from about 1860 until shortly before his death in 1894.
Black & white image of canal, towpath, bridge, and mill. The grist mill was built by Lemuel Moss in 1834. David Gibson built a distillery nearby in 1857. George Davis bought and operated both businesses from about 1860 until shortly before his death in 1894.
Colored image of canal, towpath, bridge, and mill. The grist mill was built by Lemuel Moss in 1834. David Gibson built a distillery nearby in 1857. George Davis bought and operated both businesses from about 1860 until shortly before his death in 1894.