Black and white photo negative of the Selby Shoe Company baseball team, the Saturday Afternoon League Pennant Winners of the 1906 Season. First Row: Plummer. Second Row, L-R: Beigang, Bassler, Captain Dawson, Stemshorn, and Bittner. Third Row, L-R: H.C. Selby, Assistant Manager L.M. Doty, Jewett, Manager M.W. Selby, and Grice.
Black and white photo negative of the Brant-Appel baseball team, the 1977 Champions of the Civic Forum Ohio Valley Baseball Tournament in 1977 held at Branch Rickey Park.
Black and white photo negative of the Shepherd Feed baseball team, the 1977 Champions of the Civic Forum Ohio Valley Baseball Tournament. It was held at Branch Rickey Park.
Black and white photo image postcard (mini) of the Sciotoville High School Baseball team. Names listed: Front/left to right: J. Smith (partial); D. Scott; C. Artis; R. Hansgen; L. Kent; O. Conley. Back row: O. Artis; C. Schuler; H. Walbright (marked with X); W. Fugitt; G. Evans; J. Artis