Black & white photo of Church building in winter (Third (3rd) Street and Gay Street) The first unit of this building was built in 1895 and was expanded in 1906. The congregation was later known as the First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ.
Photo image of a handwritten receipt page: Independent Order of Odd Fellows Encampment Expenses for 1936, dated January 3, 1937. Signed by I. O. O. F. Trustees C. C. Moore and J. H. Ball. Written on aged letterhead of the Scioto Lodge # 31 of the I. O. O. F.
black & white photo image of the Norfolk & Western Railway Station in Portsmouth. Postcard also states "Portsmouth, O Population 50,000." The terminal was located at Seventeenth (17th) and Findlay Streets. It was used for passenger trains until 1971 when they were discontinued but still housed the division offices. The building was demolished in 2004, and the Scioto County Jail is now in a structure made to look similar to the old station.
Colored image of the old stone Post Office building at the corner of Gallia and Chillicothe Streets after it was expanded in 1914. The post office was completed in 1891, closed in 1936, and razed in 1956 for the construction of a five story Montgomery-Ward Department Store.
Colorized image of the Portsmouth High School. The building was built in 1912 to replace the Davis High School. It was built in the same location: the corner of Waller and Gallia Streets. It was closed in 2006 and razed in 2007.
Colorized image of the Lincoln School which was built in 1915 at the corner of Gallia Street & Mabert Road. It was enlarged in 1919 and a gymnasium was added in 1957. It closed in 1975 and in 1976 the Scioto County Commissioners bought it. The Vern Riffe School followed after that.