Black and white photo negative of the inside interior of Gerro's Confectionery, located at 1201 Findlay Street. L-R: Steve D. Gerro, shop owner; Haldor Fry, Vice President of Fry Candy Company, and Irving Knost, a Fry Candy Company salesman.
Black and white photo negative of the R & G Blum store, located at the Third (3rd) and Market Streets corner. The store was owned and operated but Robert and Gus Blum.
Black and white photo negative of Central Market Feed Stable, owned and operated by Jacob Werner. It was located on Gallia Street and Mabert Road. This location later became the Oberling Motor Company's Gallia Street location.
This photo was taken during the Korn Karnival celebrations of 1913, and the Zeppelin on top of the roof on the building on the left was actually created by Jacob, John, and Lawrence Werner.
Black and white photo negative of The Washington Hotel. The Washington was built in 1901 and was located at the corner of Second (2nd) and Market Streets. In 1979, it became part of the Riverview Retirement Center along with the Biggs House.