Color photo image of the construction of the Y.M.C.A. building at 1236 Gallia Street. Previously the Grant Williams property which was donated in 1937. In 1955 Williams Mfg. Co. donated $120,000.000 for a new building.
Black and white photo negative of The Security Central National Bank, located at 825 Gallia Street. Above the entrance it originally said the "Security Bank". It is now the home of the Southern Ohio Museum and Culture Center on Gallia Street.
Black and white photo negative of a group of people in boats during a flood in 1907, on the corner of Gallia and Chillicothe Streets. Also known as Carr Corner, because J.F. Carr Jewelers, seen in the photo, sat on the corner located at 813 Gallia Street.
Black and white photo negative of Central Market Feed Stable, owned and operated by Jacob Werner. It was located on Gallia Street and Mabert Road. This location later became the Oberling Motor Company's Gallia Street location.
This photo was taken during the Korn Karnival celebrations of 1913, and the Zeppelin on top of the roof on the building on the left was actually created by Jacob, John, and Lawrence Werner.
Black and white photo negative of six women standing in front of the Ye Ole Relic Room, during the Portsmouth Historical Pageant. This was the site for the old Lyric Theater on Gallia Street.