Black and white photo image of Chillicothe Street during the 1937 Flood. Many businesses visible. Flood information on the back along with "Chicago Bureau, Serv. 3, 4, 5, 6"
F.C. Daehler Co. Furniture and Undertaking Parlor, located at 205 and 207 Market Street. Being found at different locations in numerous City Directories, the business seemed to move around quite a bit.
"Williams' Portsmouth City Directory for 1868-69
to which is appended a United States Post Office Directory.
Third Issue: Compiled by Williams & Co.
James Stephenson:
(Buckeye Block)
Portsmouth, Ohio
Congratulatory letter for Mr. & Mrs. Roy B. Allman on their golden anniversary which was signed by William H. Harsha, Representative to Congress on July 16, 1973.