Print of a watercolor of the 1810 House on Waller Street in Portsmouth, the historic home of the Aaron Kinney family. It is now a museum operated by the Ohio Historical Society.
Hand-painted Parthenon plate donated with notation: "On behalf of all the Greek people in Portsmouth, we give this plate with a painting of the Parthenon from Athens, Greece to be put in the library. December 30, 1955, The Tsakires Family." The family lived at 850 Third (3rd) Street. Christo operated a hat cleaning and shoe shine shop at 826 Gallia Street.
Black and white photo image of construction worker on top of the new Y.M.C.A. Building with a view of the Standard Oil Gas Station at corner of Gallia and Waller Streets. Portsmouth High School on hill.
Black and white photo of JOhn (age 6), and sister Julia Jane (age 10) in front of their home at 402 Campbell Avenue. Children of John Jacob Schlichter, Sr. Condition: some peeling.
Copper colored coin/token for The Hub. One side says "The Hub, Portsmouth, Ohio" and "Good For 5 Cents In Trade" on the other side. The Hub was a café on Eleventh (11th) and Lawson Streets.