Metal, tarnished gold trophy with black plastic bottom. Inscription reads: "Portsmouth Tennis Champion, Women's Singles Division, 1938 Jane Walbright, 1939 Jane Walbright, 1940 Jane Walbright"
Metal casted bank with brown painted sand for fur. Gold colored metal dog tag that has "The Security Central National Bank Portsmouth Ohio" stamped in black letters.
Navy blue jewelry box for J. F. Carr Jewelers. Top of box has scrollwork around "J. F. Carr, Diamonds, Jewelry, 813 Gallia St., Portsmouth, Ohio". Original cotton inside for boxing jewelry.
Off-white, aged paper diploma with black illustration and print, blue wash background, 1919 class seal, and signatures of school officials. Diploma for Herald (Harold) Walbright, Sciotoville High School, May 23, 1919.
Off-white, aged paper diploma with black illustration and print, blue wash background, 1920 class seal, and signatures of school officials. Diploma for Lyllyan Oretta Snyder, Sciotoville High School, May 28, 1920
Sepia -tone photo image of the Sciotoville High School Baseball team. Names listed left to right as: Red Fugitt, Rooster Smith, Lou Kent, Chick Schuler, Dick Artis, Dell Scott, H Wasbright, R Hansgen, Tick Artis, George Evans, Dola Conley. (1922) Damage in both lower corners.
Black and white photo image postcard (mini) of the Sciotoville High School Baseball team. Names listed: Front/left to right: J. Smith (partial); D. Scott; C. Artis; R. Hansgen; L. Kent; O. Conley. Back row: O. Artis; C. Schuler; H. Walbright (marked with X); W. Fugitt; G. Evans; J. Artis
Dark, Mustard yellow, cardstock-like paper booklet with black print and handwriting in black ink. Opens to full layout- Jane Walbright listed under Portsmouth Independents, Portsmouth, Ohio.
Off-white paper, program booklet with blue and black print. Photos of the class of 1940 and class of 1941. Program, committee and student names listed for both years.