Black and white photo negative of Sixth (6th) Street, looking towards Chillicothe Street. Household Finance is seen in the background, which was located at 601 Chillicothe Street.
Black and white photo negative of the Scioto County Court House facing Sixth (6th) Street at the corner of Court Street. It was erected in 1836 on lot No. 380. Donated by Henry Brush, William Kendall, Builder. Cost $12, 650.00.
Black and white photo negative of the Catholic Welfare Bureau of Scioto County building. It was established in Portsmouth in 1957 and then became a Community Chest Agency in 1960. in 1965, it was located at 534 Sixth (6th) Street.
Black and white photo negative of the coal office on the north west corner of Sixth (6th) and Chillicothe Streets. This became the site for the future Kricker Building.
Black and white photo negative of the corner of 6th Street and Findlay Ave. Gallia Street is in the background with Portsmouth Paint Co. that was located at 928 Gallia Street. Also Auto Supply Company is seen.
Black and white photo negative of 6th and Findlay Streets. Emil Arthur's can be seen and was located at 840 6th Street in the 1930's. It was a shop of all trades including bicycle repair, gun and knife repairs, etc.